Tag: #money,
Dlike about crypto networks. Review 13
Tomorrow we will have a day of reviews and I will represent you a new crypto social network. According to another of our tradition, once a week we visit the Dlike project in order to select the best publication…
I hope you correctly understood the name of this post - it is closed, in the sense of ceased to exist, and not secret.
Why do we need such information? Are there many online projects that have been closed for some reason? What is the point of storin…
This article has an amazing title, doesn't it? But I can’t change - it is really so.
Today we will discuss one very interesting project. The fact is that Mastodon.social is not an ordinary crypto social network. As a rule, we always consider the sys…
What are the drivers of the state of Decenturion? If you think that I am talking now about profession or computer program, then you are mistaken. Decenturion drivers are first of all ideas and people, which implement these ideas into our life. We are talk…
I wanted to tell you more about my new job and make an interesting offer to all those who write about cryptocurrency and social networks, but then I remembered that every third day is a day of reviews on Levelnaut.com
Therefore, now you will also ge…
It seems to me, dear readers, that very soon a new positive wave will begin in the crypto world. At least, I begin to notice some signs that the situation is improving and I will definitely share my observations in the following publications. In addition,…
Viz at my PR laboratory
As you probably already know, dear readers, once in every three days I review a new crypto social network, which was recently added to the main list of TOP100 projects on Levelnaut.com
Today we have such a day and I want to introduce you to the crypto social network Viz.world, which is in the alpha version. This is not the last project from the "steemit-like" series, the next one will be just like that. Therefore, if you want to registe…