Тэг: #story
It is not as far as the story is more true
It was the time of the Robi Circle. A boy and a girl's identity The girl is so messy and messy and durant The boy was just as calm as Subodh In the same way both of the two poles reside.
Yet, a strong relationship between them grew in a friendship that is very strong. In the boy's life, she is also the daughter of the first girl girl. So naturally as soon as the boy started to become weak, the girl started becoming weak,
Before the night is a little deeper, we all fall asleep.
In the hope of getting a good morning.
But my eyes open
I loved you very much.
Very carefully placed in my heart.
I wanted a little smile on your face by wiping your tears.
The dream was broken because you left but maybe the dream did not die.
Yet this dream of thousands of dreams in the sky is like bhang!
Still playing the love looting, this mind is in the courtyard.
Because you are angry, the bright red sun in the air has become faded.
Because you are angry, the birds of the morning do not wake up crying.
Because you are angry, this busy city has not been awakened about its eternal form.
Because of your love you have broken yourself by oysters.
I hate hatred, anger, and pride.
I have made the uninterrupted minds humble and have driven me with the constant hardships.
On that day you show me the urge to speak with you once in the night, all the feelings of sleeping in the picture were captured by me.
So when you come to my dream
I saw your beloved smiling face, I grabbed your arm and once.
I know, I know very well that I love you so much that you never know how much the depth of this love is.
Nevertheless, I love your negligence, but it feels good to love you again and again.
Really, my place will never be in my heart, will I never have the right to walk under your free sky under the sky?
Love means I love you much but I will not understand.
Love means, every night you go to bed with your naughty sweet quarrels.
Then in the middle of the night, I will wake up and hear this madness.
If you love me
But today you can forget this way?
I could not, I could not forget you.
Maybe you will get many love, but you can not keep anybody's love.
Because to keep love is a good mind, which you do not have.
You just learned love yourself, but did not learn to love.
I have forgotten to love myself since the day you loved me.
From the day I asked you, "how are you"? I forgot how I'm from that day.
From the day I stood beside you, I was lost far away from all.
Really love you ...
I'm afraid to look at you
Because if you look at you today, I think you'll fall in love again ...
After a long time, you were reading some of your sent SMS
I felt laughing and I was thinking well.
About you
Two birds fly singing together to blue sky.
They decided to build a house
Between the two nets of happiness, the two will live forever, they have built houses, joy, and tides.
One day 80-year-old father and his son were sitting on their garden benches. Suddenly a crow came and saw the crab and saw the father asking his son. This son replied that it was a crow a few minutes later Dad asked again. Does this son show it by showing…
When you love someone you will lose his love for you
When you give someone a lot, then you will lose a lot
When you are close to someone, then slowly he will be far away from you
Do you want to see what the eyes tell you?
Do you like to blame eyeballs
What is the fault of the Lord?
I forgot to know
Still, how are you wishing to know
I do not know
I do not cry for you anymore
Tears do not cause tears in the tears
The tears of the tears do not hurt
Фото #2 Всё тот же дуб сквозь капельки присевшего тумана.
 твердейшим образом стояла на своем. Кырк за одного человека за ночь в гостевом доме, чьи комнаты уютно припещерились прямо под скалой.
Кырк – это сорок. Сорок теле – турецких лир, что-то около 6,5 USD. Мы хотели меньше чисто из спортивного азарта. Мы объясняли, нас 8 человек. 8 это «секиз» по-турецки. Но мы хотим поселить 8, а заплатить за 7 (еди). Мы ей рисовали ручкой человечков на сал…
Вот настоящие блондинки водят розовые тачки!

Топ-топ, поднял одну ногу, поставил. Поднял другую ногу, поставил. Вот и все дела. Ничего в хождении по горам сложного. Как сердечко застучало, да так, что соседи оборачиваются, остановился, переждал, притихло и снова пошел. Даже сил особых не нужно. Когд…
Им не холодно, им даже жарко. Ради красоты, ради кадра в лучах восходящего солнца, ради снимка в цветных воздушных шариков они взбирались на точку обзора (pointview). За той, в белом, шел парень и нес шлейф, в гору нес, на скалу ;)
Народу на точке о…
Солнце взошло!

Отель 1000 звёзд на высоте 2900 м. Вторая ночёвка. Скоро выключат свет.
А звездей тут на небе немеренно. И такие, турецкие, жирные. Размером с кулак, нет, с два кулака - одна звездя.
Взяли вершину Ergiyes 3900 метров. Прямо сейчас!
Вышли в 6 утра с 2900 и к 11:30 взошли.
Вот уж реально крутые горы!
Рано утром поутру
Проезжаю Анкару.
Из окошка тут видна
### Всем привет!
Я наконец-то уламал своего друга @alba @albaevg, чтобы он делился своими заметками о путешествиях не только в Фейсбуке, но и здесь, а также настроил систему @chain-post на работу с Фейсбуком! 🤣
Посмотрим, что из этого получится 😉