[Chain Post] Fill form from Evernote note (v1.0.0)
Hello, dear friends!
In last release we implemented possibility to fill form data from your Evernote notes.
To use this possibility your need to share your notes by link. Подробнее: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005417-Share-notes
Received link you need to put in modal window
And click at Load button.
After it, the note's title and body will be used to fill form. In tags field will be putted evernote tag.
But there are some tricks 😉
At note's body you may use special commands to set tags for each blockchain.
For this purpose you need to set delimiter between body and tags sections.
Note's body after this delimiter will be analyzed.
Tags format is:
|(list of chains divided by comma): (list of tags divided by space)
|golos, vox: achievements-diary ua життя саморозвиток думки
|steem: ua achievements-diary thoughts psychology life steemitbloggers
|weku: achievements-diary ua psychology life thoughts wekubloggers
|serey, wls, smoke, viz: achievements-diary ua psychology life thoughts
This is all functionality 😊
I hope it will helps you 😁
Chain Post System: https://zavz9t.github.io/chain-post/
Source code: https://github.com/zavz9t/zavz9t.github.io/
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Best regards, Chain Post
published by @chain-post